• Area of Rectangle(square), Arithmetic sequences, Unit Conversions (Feet to inches, miles to feet, hours to seconds)
    Choice K

    The side of the 4th square is

    $$ a_4=a_1+(4-1)d=18+(4-1)\times18=72 \ inches $$

    The area of the 4th square is

    $$ Area=72^2 \ inches^2 $$

    $$ =72^2 \ (\frac{1}{12} \ feet)^2 $$

    $$ = \frac{72^2}{12^2} \ feet^2 $$

    $$ = (\frac{72}{12})^2 \ feet^2 $$

    $$ = 6^2 \ feet^2 $$

    $$ = 36 \ feet^2 $$

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