• Choice H
    14. A map of the locations of Marville, Sun Town, and Bright City is shown in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane below, where coordinates for x and y are given in miles. The coordinates of Marville and Bright City are given, and Sun Town is located along a straight line exactly halfway between Marville and Bright City. Highway H from Marville to Bright City is 390 miles long. Highway K from Sun Town to Bright City is 200 miles long. What are the coordinates of Sun Town?
    14. A map of the locations of Marville, Sun Town, and Bright City is shown in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane below, where coordinates for x and y are given in miles. The coordinates of Marville and Bright City are given, and Sun Town is located along a straight line exactly halfway between Marville and Bright City. Highway H from Marville to Bright City is 390 miles long. Highway K from Sun Town to Bright City is 200 miles long. What are the coordinates of Sun Town?

    Midpoint of a Line Segment
    The midpoint is halfway between the two end points:

    • Its x value is halfway between the two x values
    • Its y value is halfway between the two y values

    To calculate it:

    • Add both “x” coordinates, divide by 2
    • Add both “y” coordinates, divide by 2

    x = (1/2) × (0 + 300) = 150

    y = (1/2) × (0 + 160) = 80

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